Lois Lane and Clark Kent

“ I, Clark Kent, take you, Lois Lane, to be my companion, forever....
With you by my side I will never be alone. Though the world sees a strong and independent woman, I've never known someone with such gentle grace and more pure heart. When I've been lost you've always been there to bring me back, so on this day, at this moment, I pledge the rest of my life to you. You've always believed in me, and I believe in you. When you believe in someone it's not for a minute, or just for now, it's forever.”

"Clark, you're my best friend. Until I met you, I never had a best friend. And falling in love with you has been so easy, I don't know why I fought it so long. You have such gentle grace and such quiet strength and mostly such incredible kindness. I've never known anyone with as pure a heart, and, so, today, I give you my love, and my honor and our life together."

Di luar seluruh kalimat puitis di atas yang memang udah romantis sampe pengen bikin nangis, kata-kata yang di-italic itu sangat-berkesan-sekali-buat-saya-sampai-niat-bikin-postingan-ini-deh ;)

You’ve always believed in me,, and I believe in you, so I give you my love and my honor and our life together..

Seseorang yang mempercayai, ya, mempercayai, apa yang mungkin seluruh potensi kebaikan yang bisa kita lakukan..mempercayai saat kita bahkan belum bisa melihatnya..Seseorang seperti itulah yang layak dan akan menjadi jodoh dunia-akhirat kita ;)

Dan sebagai penutup, saya selalu suka, sangat suka bahkan!pada kata-kata Lois Lane kepada Clark Kent berikut ini :

“Clark. You’re  my bestfriend. You’re my home. You’re my true love”

Ah,tiga unsur itu memang senafas dgn cinta sejati ya? Bestfriend. Home. True love..

gambar diambil dari sini dan sini 

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